Signs You Need Transmission Repair

Everything You need To Know

Transmission repair issues can be frightening. Major transmission issues can be costly, so you may be hesitant to take your vehicle to an auto repair shop to find out what’s wrong. Use these signs to determine whether you’re experiencing transmission issues, and discover how you can receive honest, personalized service at your leading Bellevue, WA auto repair shop.

Gear Shifting Issues

Whether you have an automatic or manual vehicle, your vehicle should smoothly switch between gears as you accelerate. Any jerking or hesitating gear shifting issues can point to a transmission issue. Other common gear issues include falling out of gear or unexpectedly shifting gears. These issues need to be addressed before you experience a sudden transmission failure. Unfortunately, transmission issues can be very complicated for even experienced DIY enthusiasts. It’s best to take your vehicle to an experienced repair shop in your area to enjoy hassle-free transmission inspection and rebuild services.

Whining, Buzzing Noises

Another warning sign is whining noises coming from your vehicle. These noises, particularly if they occur when your vehicle is in neutral, are a sign that you need transmission repair services. Gears may be grinding, slipping, or loose, which can be dangerous if you continue to drive.

Cloudy, Burnt Transmission Fluid

Finally, check your transmission fluid for signs of damage. Transmission fluid typically looks bright red and has a sweet smell. Under normal operation, the color and smell shouldn’t change dramatically.

A transmission issue can cause your transmission fluid to turn opaque or dark and affect the smell. If your transmission fluid smells burnt, it may be a sign that your transmission is damaged.

Receive Honest Transmission Repair Services

Don’t let a minor repair issue create a major headache. Turn to a reliable, affordable auto mechanic in Bellevue who can service all makes and models of vehicles. Turn to A&M Auto Repair today for honest estimates on your transmission repair issues. Once you schedule a service at 425-641-9455, you can enjoy a free local shuttle and after-hours drop off, a 24-month warranty on all parts and services, and worry-free repairs with status updates. Stop by today at 13551 South East 27th Place, Bellevue, WA 98005 to avoid further transmission issues and keep your vehicle driving safely.

Written by A&M Auto Repair Bellevue